Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Quotables 19 June 2024: Veronica Lake on being a ‘misfit’ in 1940s Hollywood

A sepia-toned picture of actress Veronica Lake, taken around 1941. She's posing in front of a backdrop with a drawn horse. Dressed in a long, flowing gown and a striking necklace, she's seated on a cushioned surface. The photograph captures her enigmatic glamour. Photo: Louise Dahl-Wolfe

There's no doubt I was a bit of a misfit in the Hollywood of the forties. The race for glamour left me far behind. I didn't really want to keep up. I wanted my stardom without the usual trimmings. Because of this, I was branded a rebel at the very least. But I don't regret that for a minute. My appetite was my own and I simply wouldn't have it any other way’.

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Copyright 2024, Arthur Newhook. @Sunking278 and @FloydEtcetera on X, and at the same handles on FACEBOOK. MASTODON -, BLUESKY - DONATIONS GRATEFULLY ACCEPTED at

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Carole Lombard, captured by Eugene Robert Richee for the September 1935 issue of Picture Play magazine

Actress Carole Lombard striking a glamorous pose. Her arms are raised gracefully above her head. She is clad in a delicate, light-coloured ...